The main culprit of ECC is -- surprise -- your baby’s bottle or sippy cup. More specifically, it’s what's in that bottle or cup and how long your baby is exposed to it that is a big part of the problem. Every time you feed your baby sugary or sweet liquids such as milk, formula, fruit juices, even breast milk, they team up with the bacteria in the sticky film called plaque that constantly forms on teeth. Together, they produce acids that attack and dissolve the tooth enamel, causing tooth decay. Obviously, you can't stop feeding nutritious things to your baby - the trick is to regulate when, how and how often you feed them. …show more content…
While this may provide short-term comfort, these liquids end up pooling around your baby's teeth and gums. The longer they linger in your baby's mouth, the greater the likelihood of tooth decay. A good rule of thumb is to always hold your baby during feedings, remove the bottle when your baby falls asleep and remember to wipe off your baby’s teeth or gums with a damp washcloth when feeding is finished. A bottle or sippy cup left with a baby for any period of time should contain only