0-3years babies at birth
Babies are born with instant reflexes, these happen without the baby having to think, for example:
Swallowing and sucking milk. Even thou the baby can swallow milk it can still get trapped air and at this age they need help to get rid of it
Rooting reflex. If a babys cheek or mouth is touched it will automatically move its head to look for a nipple or teet.
Grasp reflex. If an object is placed in the palm of a baby they will automatically put their fingers around it.
Startle reflex. When a light or a sudden sound is near the baby they will move their arms outwards and clench their fists.
Walking and standing reflex. A baby …show more content…
Their behavior will reflect on if they are getting enough praise and recognition from adults. A lot of 4 year olds are very individual, most can dress and feed themselves. If they are given the opportunity they will organize play as at this age they like being around others especially if they are given responsibility and encouragement. At this age most children will attend nursery or pre-school. This is very important to them as they will be getting ready for …show more content…
At around 5 years old they start primary school, formal education. Some children are not interested in learning or sitting down and learning to read and write. This can make the transition hard for the child. As well as school most children are showing interest in other activities out of school, for example, swimming, dance, music or martial arts. At this age children are starting to understand rules and that they have to follow them. Children are very keen on playing games with rules once they learn what they