Baby Coo woke up every morning to Daddy Coo’s kisses. Daddy Coo taught Baby Coo how to swim and find the most delicious seaweed. They were best friends.
One morning Daddy Coo didn’t come to Baby Coos room to give her, her special morning kiss. Baby Coo got worried and asked mommy Coo “Where is Daddy Coo? said Baby Coo. Mommy said” we will sail the sea until we find him”. Mommy Coo and Baby Coo called for Daddy Coo. He was no where in sight.
Mommy Coo and Baby Coo kept their eyes on the water hoping to see Daddy Coo pop …show more content…
From afar, they saw something jumping in and out of the water. As they sailed closer it was Mommy Dolphin and Baby Dolphin splashing in the water. Baby Coo was amazed by what Baby Dolphin could do. Mommy Dolphin waved at Baby Coo and Mommy Coo. “ Would you like to join us?” said Mommy Dolphin. Baby Coo said “ Can you teach me how to do that please?” Mommy Dolphin said put on your floaties and jump in the water. Baby Coo got her floaties on and jumped in. Mommy Dolphin swam behind Baby Coo and picked her up with her nose. She pushed Baby Coo up in the air and Baby Coo said “I’m flying” wow wow uh oh” I am falling”. Baby Coo came down with a big splash. She swam back to the surface and giggled and giggled. She enjoyed playing with Mommy Dolphin and Baby Dolphin.
Baby Coo gasped and said “ oh no we are looking for Daddy Coo. “I was having too much fun”. Mommy Dolphin replies “ we saw him in a flash with seaweed trailing behind him”. “We also saw Mommy Shark and Baby Shark not too far behind.
Mommy Shark and Baby Shark? asked Baby Coo. “Mommy Coo we must find him quickly”. Mommy Coo pulled baby Coo aboard their sailboat. They turned the engine on and sped away yelling “thank you Mommy Dolphin and Baby