Some babies start teething at 6 months, some 3 months of age, some 10 months, 15 months, 7 months etc.The two bottom front teeth (lower central incisors) are usually the first to appear, followed by the two top front teeth ( upper central incisors). Teething is highly welcomed by the parents of the baby and the babies usually exhibit new behavior and they're happy as well as they tend to laugh more than before.
Classic signs and symptoms …show more content…
This is very funny and untrue. Diarrhea which is also perceived to be one of the signs and symptoms of teething by some parent is just misinterpretation of the fact. Teething usually excite babies and their point of gratification is also mouth at this stage which made wanting to put almost everything they lay their hands upon in their mouth. When the free range of babies are not controlled and if the environment is not sanitized, they are prone to take dirt into their mouths which result to diarrhea.
Teething may cause signs and symptoms in the mouth and gums, but it doesn't cause problems elsewhere in the …show more content…
A cold washcloth or chilled teething ring can be soothing. Don't give your baby a frozen teething ring, however, contact with extreme cold may hurt, doing your baby more harm than good. If your baby eats solid foods, offer items such as applesauce or yogurt.
DRY THE DROOL. Excessive drooling is part of the teething process. To prevent skin irritation, keep a clean cloth handy to dry your baby's chin. Have your baby sleep on absorbed sheet.
TRY AN OVER-THE-COUNTER PRODUCT. If your baby is especially frankly. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) may help. Don't give your baby products that contain aspirin, however, and be cautious about teething medications that can be dubbed directly on a baby's gums.
The medication may be washed away by your baby's saliva before it has any chance of doing good and too much of the medication may numb your baby's throat, which may interfere with his or her normal gag reflex.
Teething can usually be handled at home. Contact the doctor if your baby develops a fever, seems particularly uncomfortable, or has other signs or symptoms of illness. The problem may be something other than