One of the most significant decisions in life is the choice of career. A shrewd decision made based of factors ranging from latent interests, inherent skills to scope and satisfaction. My choice of career has emanated from careful analysis and planning .I have always believed in the best and then, given my innate potential, assimilated knowledge and positive attitude. I am confident I will succeed in my endeavor.
Reasons to choose Graduate Study
A constant urge to learn and explore, an ambition to become a researcher, a desire to be a part of growing technological world and contribute to its development have LED ME TO STUDY ENGINEERING. The first step in the realization of my career goals would be to obtain a Master‘s Degree followed by a PhD, after which I wish to take up a research –oriented career .I believe this could give me a an ideal opportunity to probe and unravel the intricacies of my field and achieve my goals with greater amount of freedom. My fascination for engineering has been longstanding and persistant. Ever since my school days I have enjoyed studying mathematical and physical sciences and have had an inclination for problem solving and desire to know more, from which, I drew the inspiration to imbibe the true spirit of engineering. Our under graduate course was comprehensive and gave us a broad over view of several subjects out I am now poised for a fuller exploration of a focused area. Moreover, much of the integrated of advanced technologies in any demanding field taking place in a graduate program.. By being a part of a graduate programmer, I intend to assimilate creative abilities and acquire innovative skills from experienced researchers there by increasing the depth and breath of my knowledge.
Reasons to choose this particular field
Right from my child hood, commonly used mechanical gadgets fascinated me Learning and understanding the basic underlying principles in