Employee Training and Development
Case Analysis (Individual Report)
65 marks - 10% of Final Course Grade
Due Date: November 16th, 2010
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to apply learning on Training Methodology to a specific business scenario as it relates to Development and Implementation of Training.
Your Case:
Jim worked as a labourer for a gas utility in Winnipeg, Manitoba. When the opportunity came to apply for a backhoe/front-end-loader operator job, he was excited. Three people applied. To select the one who would get the job, the company asked each of them to go out and actually work on the back-hoe for a day. Jim felt his change for the job disappear because he had never even driven a tractor, let alone used a backhoe. When he went out, he did not know how to start the tractor. One of the other backhoe operators had to show him. He managed through the day, and to his surprise, did better than the others. He was given the job.
On his first day at the new job, one of the other backhoe operators showed him where to check the hydraulic fluid and said, “These old Massey’s are foolproof. You will be okay.” Jim taught himself how to dig a hole by trial and error. He initially believed that the best way was to fill the bucket as much as possible before lifting it out of the hole and emptying it. He would wiggle the bucket back and forth until it was submerged and then curl it. When it cam out of the hole, the earth would be falling off the sides. This job was not so difficult after all, he thought.
He cut through his first water line about two weeks after starting his new job. Going into a deep, muddy hole did not make the crew happy. After Jim cut through his third water line, the crew chief pulled him aside and said, “You are taking too much earth out with each bucket, so you don’t feel the bucket hitting the water line; ease up a bit.” Water lines were usually two to
References: (APA/MLA format) • Clear/concise/professional/easy to read