2. The declining tobacco prices, growing commercial competition from Maryland and the Carolinas, were a few of the economic issues rising during the revolution at the time.
3. Some Indians were killed in the raid, which began from a nonpayment of some items. This feud blew up when the colonists attacked the wrong pack of Indians.
4. Berkeley set an investigation into the matter. He set up what was to be a disastrous meeting between the parties, which resulted in the murders of several tribal chiefs. Bacon disregarded Berkley’s orders and seized some Indians for “stealing” corn.
5. Because of its ruling regarding trade with the Indians, most of the favored traders were friends of Berkeley. Everyone’s trade had to be monitored, people weren’t allowed to individually trade with Indians. Bacon soon accused Berkeley of playing favorites.
6. Berkeley then issued two petitions declaring Bacon a rebel and pardoning Bacon's men if they went home peacefully. “Most of the reform laws dealt with reconstructing the colony's voting regulations, enabling freemen to vote, and limiting the number of years a person could hold certain offices in the colony. “
7. Bacon demanded his commission. Then he demanded general over all forces against the Indians but Berkeley refused.
8. “Berkeley regained complete control and hanged the major leaders of the rebellion. He also seized rebel property without the benefit of a trial. All in all, twenty-three persons were hanged for their part in the rebellion.”