American Pageant Chap. 4
Yeoman farmers- Minor landowners who were prosperous farmers.
Headright system- A legal land grant of 50 acres to any settler who brought over a servant worker.
Gullah- African Americans who lived in the Lowcountry region of South Carolina and Georgia.
Proprietors- People who had the exclusive right or title to something
Halfway Covenant- A form of partial church membership that enabled less faithful believers, children and grand children to receive covenants.
Indentured Servants- Adult white persons who were bound to labor for a period of 3-7 years in exchance for their indentures.
Nathaniel Bacon- Best known for Bacon’s Rebellion, which was caused due to a Virginian …show more content…
Slave codes- Laws that defined the status of slaves and the rights of masters.
First Families of Virginia (FFV)- Families in Colonial Virginia who were socially prominent and wealthy, but not necessarily the earliest settlers.
Jeremiads- A long literary work in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone.
Leisler’s rebellion- A rebellion in which Jacob Leisler seized control over New York from 1689-1691.
1. The early life of the Chesapeake settlers was brutal due to malaria, dysentery, and typhoid, which led to half the people born in early Virginia and Maryland to not live until their 20th birthday. Tobacco planters lured indentured servants to harvest the fields by promising them eventual “freedom dues” at the end of their services.
2. Bacon’s Rebellion mainly consisted of who had been forced into the untamed backcountry in search of arable land, and they despised Berkeley’s friendly policies toward the Native Americans. Berkeley refused to lead a brutal attack on the Indians. Other slave revolts were nothing compared to Bacon’s …show more content…
The Slave Codes made blacks and their children the property of their white masters, and some colonies made it a crime to teach a slave to be literate. The origin of Gullah is South Carolina and Georgia. Some African words that eventually became English were goober (peanut), gumbo (okra), and voodoo (witchcraft).
4. The planters were at the top, small farmers followed suite, next were landless whites, under them were those who still had time on their indenture, and black slaves finished at the bottom of the pyramid.
5. New England had clean water, and cool temperatures prevented the spread of killer microbes. Due to New England’s pure climate, the settlers lived an average seventy years. In addition, migration in families and early marriages led to a booming birthrate.
6. New England society was more orderly because children grew up in nurturing environments, learned habits of obedience and received guidance from their parents as well as their grandparents. Civilization spread as family stability gradually increased in New England. The Congregational church government eventually led to democracy in political