in the history of Bacterial Meningitis include old and new ideas. The first ever treatment was serum therapy. Much latter a form of diagnoses became available “Lumbar puncture”. A needle is inserted into the spinal column to extract spinal fluid. The 2 most popular forms of treatment with medicine include steroids and penicillin. Penicillin started to be used for meningitis in 1944. In the past several steps have been taken to prevent Bacterial Meningitis. The ACIP recommended vaccination for preteens 11-12. The FDA also approved some vaccines to help protect against Bacterial Meningitis. Bacterial Meningitis is an infectious disease with an interesting way of spreading. Bacterial Meningitis can travel from person to person through spit (saliva), coughing, kissing and also can infect the air. Also if food is prepared improperly it can be a carrier. Some things can also cause people to get the disease like some bacterial strains like Neisseria Meningitides, Homophiles influenza and streptococcus pneumonia. Other things can put people at risk for these bacteria. People with weakened immune systems, sickle cell disease or spleen problems like having no spleen or a ruptured spleen can be at risk. Heavy drinkers past and present are also prone to bacterial meningitis. As well as people with head trauma, people with pneumococcal pneumonia and people prone to ear and nose infections. Bacterial Meningitis is a bacterial strain caused by many bacteria. In newborns Group B streptococcus, streptococcus pneumonia, Escheriachoili and listeria monocytogens. In young children Neisseria Meningitides, Haemophilus influenza type0b (Hib) and group B streptococcus can be causes. In adolescents and young adults Neisseria Meningitides and streptococcus pneumonia are causes.
In older adults bacteria such as streptococcus pneumonia, Nesseria Meningitides, Haemophilus influenza, Group B streptococcus and Listreia Monocytogenes could be a cause. There are three main types of Bacteria that cause Bacterial Meningitis. The three types make up about 80% of all cases. Neisseria Meningitides it is a possible in young children, adolescents, young and old adults. Haemophilus influenza can be found as causes in young children and older adults. Lastly streptococcus pneumonia can be found as a cause for newborns, young and older adults and adolescents. The symptoms of bacterial Meningitis can be temporary or permanent. Some Permanent symptoms include hearing loss, abnormal reflexes, brain damage, organ failure tissue damage, paralysis, blockage of brain fluid and death. Some temporary symptoms include Nassau, vomiting, light sensitivity, confusion, fever, stiffness, Headache, sleepiness, seizures, loss of appetite, joint and bone stiffness high pitched crying and enlarged soft spot on baby’s head ,irritable or
annoyed. There are several treatments to bacterial Meningitis. Some treatments include intravenous antibiotics, intravenous cortices steroids, and replacing fluids. Prevention of Bacterial Meningitis includes not smoking, getting rest, immunize against Haemophilus, get vaccines against Meningitis and stay away from people with meningitis. There are several ways of testing for bacterial Meningitis. Testing includes blood, urine, pus, mucus and lumbar tap. A lumbar tap is a procedure that stats with the patient curling up on their side exposing their back. The doctor then inserts the needle into the spinal column and extracting spinal fluid. The doctor lastly sends the fluid to a lab for testing. In conclusion Bacterial Meningitis is a very interesting disease. Its long history, many bacteria, bad symptoms, interesting way of spreading, many ways of prevention and treatment make this disease an interesting topic. Therefore it is a very bad yet intriguing infectious disease.