When someone asks you why earning a higher grade in class is important to receive, your first response might be to help increase your grade point average (GPA). But why is a high GPA so coveted? Is it to get into a good post graduate school? But then why is this important? You would probably respond by saying to create more opportunities for yourself when it comes to a career to venture in. These are the questions that Steven Vogel dives into, and gets to the point that through all of these questions lead up to one underlying factor that grades are money and learning is what is paid for. He believes students will attempt to maximize…
Most of the time when a person has a 4.0 GPA it is figured that that person is smart maybe doesn’t have to work hard for their grades, and probably a good test taker. Let me be the first to say this is not the case for me. In elementry school I read at grade levels far below where I was at, struggled with any sort of test, but especially timed math tests, and my grades reflected it. In fifth grade I was tested and scored at a second grade reading level, and I could not get passed the addition timed tests. Although I have never been formally diagnosed, I struggle with test anxiety. The problem with this is grades are greatly impacted on test scores.…
A good GPA has the ability to make students extremely proud. When receiving a high GPA most would not be happy due to their intelligence, but rather their commitment. So why are there still those who see grade point average as a measure…
GPA is the most important factor because it tells us how much a student has worked to get where they are now. If a student goes home and starts studying and doing their homework, they’re more likely to get a higher GPA than a student who goes out partying every day. The GPA determines how hard working a student is and so the most hardworking a student is, the more likely that student will be very successful in school.…
Throughout my academic career, I have worked hard to maintain a good GPA. Good grades and learning has always been important to me. I have been taught that “working hard now, pays off later” and this dedication will help me through my life whether it be college or my job.…
The reason why my GPA is low was because of my life conditions. At the time of my school education about half way in it, I was having issues in my marriage that later it lead to a divorce that dreaded on awhile and because of that, I also had a hard time to keep up with my bills, which caused me to be severe depressed, sad, and anxious. Which also caused a decrease in attention/focus on my education in school. I really had a hard time to get back into my books and to stay focus in school. If it wasn't for the support from Brown Mackie College Professors to understand my situation, and to help me stay focus I would have never been able to complete my education at Brown Mackie.…
In addition to all the benefits stated, one of them being motivation can be helpful with taking school seriously. Mainly because students who do not have to have a good GPA can just continuously participate in sports and not care about their grades. Having a good GPA can help you to focus on studying and taking school seriously because school is important, and studying is an essential part of doing at least okay in school. While studying to get good grades keeps students busy, it also keeps them out of trouble.…
Claude Brown was born in 1937 and raised in Harlem--that district of Manhattan north of Central Park between Eighth Avenue and the East and Harlem rivers. His parents had moved up from South Carolina in 1935 and settled in a tenement at 146th Street and Eighth Avenue. Included in the family were two girls, Carole and Margie, and two boys, Claude and Pimp. The Browns were among the first of the waves of black migrants who left sharecropping farms in the South to come to the urban North. To these people, moving to the North meant a better life--a life in the "promised land." Claude--or Sonny, as he was called by his family and friends--spent his preschool days battling other boys in the streets of Harlem. He was encouraged to do so by the lifestyles of the street people. He was adopted as a mascot for an infamous Harlem bebop gang, the Buccaneers, and later became a member of its stealing division, the Forty Thieves. By the time he was ten years old, he had been in and out of New York's Children Centers and had been expelled from school several times. His parents reacted in two ways: His father tried to beat him into changing, and his mother pleaded with him, believing that Claude had been "born with the devil in him." Hoping that Claude would do better away from New York, his family sent him to live with his grandparents in South Carolina. During…
People who maintain a “higher than average” GPA and grades through High School have a high percentile to do well in college. Yes, there may be people who never work for great grades, and hold themselves back from what they could be accomplishing, but they could very much do well in college even though it didn’t show in High School. The thing that those kids don’t realize is that it minimizes your options on where they could go to for a college education. The reason for this is that the college takes an overview of all of the grades you could have ever had. By this they can determine whether or not you could maintain an education at their college, and after that they may want to see if you can pass certain tests or write an essay explaining why you should be qualified to go to their college. In the end, this could also affect your wallet, because it can end up costing a lot more money to take things that were unnecessary because of how you did in High School. So, for the student that didn’t do well in High School, he…
They should look more at the individual and less at the numbers--or letters of the grades. Not everyone has a life that is conducive to academic success. Tell me where is the consideration for homeless kids who may be coming to school from a shelter, or those who can not afford study materials, or the ones dealing with unstable homes, or those who are bullied nonstop yet still have the courage to walk through the doors each morning, or kids who need medication but aren’t receiving it? There are many reasons that a B is an F--and the school can’t assume which one is…
Every college has different criteria when evaluating a student and different expectations. For Example, a college such as CSUN will accept people who had average GPA’s 2.5 or higher, but a college like USC looks for students with average GPA’s higher than 3.5. Colleges also use students weighted GPA’s during the admission process. A students GPA can be weighted when they have Honors courses, AP courses, and college classes. These three types of courses give a student extra points on their GPA, making it possible for a student to have a GPA higher than…
Transcripts show a student’s grades, class selections, and personal interest. Classes such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate show a student’s ability to strive in college level classes. Colleges can tell more about a student from their grades throughout four years than they can through a three-hour long test. In many cases, a student’s GPA is higher than their SAT or ACT scores. But what does this mean?…
Throughout my four years of high school I have always kept my grades up and I am very proud to say that I have maintained a GPA of a 3.6 and above. I have made honor roll all in all my semesters here at LHS. Getting good grades was never really a struggle for me until I got in the harder math classes like AP Statistics and Precalculus. Those were the only classes I struggled with because it takes me more time to comprehend the formulas and understand how to put them into practical use. But no matter what class I have taken I have always learned something new or something different that applies to not only my schoolwork but also the outside world. Knowing all of this knowledge will definitely help in my everyday life outside of highschool…
They often feel like a disappointment to their parents and others that expect the best from them. SAT scores affects students’ self-esteem and makes them resent college . A low SAT scores does not only affect a student emotionally, but it also affects them educationally. A Low SAT scores makes high school GPA not matter to college admission.…
Bulosan was active in labour movement along the Pacific coast of the United States and edited the 1952 Yearbook for International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 37, a predominantly Filipino American cannery trade union based in Seattle.…