Hyung Ryu
Charlene Muzzuco
Project Essay
Executive Summary
We believe Google Blogger is the solution for your ecommerce struggles. Google Blogger is selected by other organizations for services the company lacks in, which it could be in marketing. The purpose of using Google Blogger is to be national expose by marketing the store and products. The idea of not testing the market, a stateside fishing outfitters corporation like this one will not survive or can’t compete against a Brand Name fishing outfitters corporations. In the battle of ecommerce many companies will take a risk and to compete for consumer dollars. Our main goal is to build a customer relationship for market research and/or gives a demo about how your product is unique. By using Google Blogger we can allow and increase collaboration between employees, partners, customers, and suppliers through your products. Eventually this may lead to an increase in sales, growth, and revenue.
Business Needs/Case
Our web specialist is working on a solution to help senior management on this e-business transformation. The business is starting to develop a data based culture which means business can track data and use data to make business decisions.
Business Objectives
The business objectives for this project are to increase profitability, customer service, efficiency and growth in business operation. By utilizing the objectives, the business may build strong culture and typically employee experience greater engagement.