The article starts by criticizing other measures of performance as designed to measure specific employee task with workload indicators. The balanced scorecard is a performance management tool with four perspectives. These are; financial, learning and customer, internal business processes and innovation. These dimensions improve service delivery because of increased efficiency and effectiveness.
Large local governments are best suited to use the balanced scorecard due to the organizational barriers such as; resistance to change, insufficient support from top management and the challenges posed in measuring the effectiveness of services. Local governments would lack the capability to overcome these challenges.
The stated barriers are the objectives the article wanted to solve. The article illustrates the case study of a small local government of Hillsborough, which managed to implement this performance measurement system.
The management of Hillsborough adopted the management tool after studying how their counterparts in charlotte did it. This enabled them to understand how the departmental goals reflected to the organizational goals.
The dimensions of the balanced scorecard are handmade for the private sector. Just like Charlotte, Hillsborough using its mission and vision statements changed them from being customer, internal business process, financial and innovation. Instead, they now served the community, ran the operations, managed resources and developed personnel respectively.
Once achieved the goal of measuring service effectiveness became easier because these dimensions were broken down further. For example from the develop personnel dimension, the objectives obtained were develop a skilled