With ever increasing, demands to achieve organizational goals employee’s personal lives can sometimes be put on a back burner. Though this may sometimes be self-imposed it can also happen as a result of managerial pressure. In either case, it is imperative that the ethical implications both personal and professional be weighed heavily. In doing so, employers have an obligation to understand that ensuring a balance between an employee’s personal time and professional career is at the core of creating a competitive advantage. Many times striving to achieve a company’s goals can create an atmosphere that opens the door for unethical practices. Gareth Jones points out that pressure to perform in this type of environment “may induce managers to behave unethically, and even illegally, when dealing with people and groups inside and outside the organization.” (Jones, 2010,) For example, the need to restructure an organization may require laying off some employees and increasing the workload of others. While some increase is to be expected employers have an ethical responsibility to plan accordingly, and not put undue stress on the remaining employees in the form of logging extensive hours. In addition, ethical dilemmas can present themselves if cuts are implemented with upper level bonuses as an incentive. For example, if top level managers benefit financially for saving revenue at the expense of lower level employee jobs, it could be considered unethical. In this way it is important to understand the stakeholders that are affected by unethical behavior. Furthermore, understanding the rules for ethical decision making is an imperative.
References: Jones, Gareth (Apr-10). Essentials of Contemporary Management, 4th Edition [4] (VitalSource Bookshelf), Retrieved from http://online.vitalsource.com/books/0390234818/page/20