Submitted to: Prof. Rishin Mukherjee.
Submitted by: Steven Chien Tien Hou M.Com Marketing, St. Xavier’s College 2013. Roll No. 38. Room 28.
Date: 28th January, 2013.
How does it meet the definition of social marketing?
Social Marketing : “Application of commercial marketing concepts, knowledge, and techniques to non-commercial ends (such as campaigns against smoking and drunken driving) for the society's welfare.” ( “"Differing from other areas of marketing only with respect to the objectives of the marketer and his or her organization. Social marketing seeks to influence social behaviors not to benefit the marketer, but to benefit the target audience and the general society." Kotler and Andreasen. (
Therefore, Social Marketing aims to utilize the tools of marketing in order to promote or create awareness that can benefit the society at large.
With respect to the Video of Balbir Pasha regarding the creation of awareness of having safe sex, the definition of Social Marketing has indeed been met. In this video, the fear aspect has been mobilized. Though it was initially created as a teaser advertisement, it still created a massive shockwave of realization in the society’s mind. In this video, although the hint wasn’t very prominent, it can still strike the minds of viewers if noted carefully. For instance, the shot of the empty chair indicates that the young man had passed away due to his wrong perception of manliness or machismo. Moreover, the advertisement tries to educates people (especially young men) that the concept of machismo doesn’t lie in promiscuity and unsafe sex (the scene where the shopkeeper indirectly points on his stock of condoms to the young man), rather having the responsibility and the right attitude to