Introduction 2 The Ban on the Pit bull in Ontario 2
Argument Error! Bookmark not defined. What Does the Ban Entitle? 3 Is it Justifiable? 4 Is it Just a Misconception? 5
Bibliography 7
The Ban on the Pit bull in Ontario
What exactly is a Pit bull and why are they so feared? Pit bulls were originally bred as fighting pit dogs. This was a brutal fight to the death between two very aggressive and powerful dogs. Many breeders believe that pound for pound, pit bulls are probably the strongest canine in the world, as well as the most athletic. Pit bulls have also become popular with the subculture of the urban world where so called “thugs” have adopted them for a tougher reputation and power over weaker individuals. Herein is where the problem lies; with their bad reputation, and fear instilled in those who are not educated about these animals, the Pit bull has become a hated breed. The ban on Pit bulls had hindered the lives of Pit bull owners, creating a stigma so harsh that people will even cross the street when they see one coming. The real solution can only come from proper training and disallowing irresponsible individuals to own such powerful and loyal dogs.
What Does the Ban Entitle?
The ban that was put on these types of dogs occurred on August 29th 2005 in Ontario. It includes that Pit bull terriers, American Pit bull terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, and any dogs similar in appearances to those breeds are spayed or neutered. The amendments to the Dog Owners ' Liability Act (DOLA) bar people from owning, breeding, transferring, importing, or abandoning pit bulls.[1] The ban also includes that already existing dogs be muzzled while in public and owners aren 't allowed to train them to fight, and can 't let them stray. The only time a muzzle isn 't required is when the dog is on the owner
Bibliography: 1. Pit Bull Owners Protest Ban With Vigil; Monday August 28, 2006 2 Student: Kristian Ramserran Date: Wednesday November 1, 2006 ----------------------- [1] Pit Bull Owners Protest Ban With Vigil; Monday August 28, 2006