Premier brand was created 7 years ago and introduced to the top 5% of the most affluent and internationally mobile population of existing HSBC customers. It was also heavily marketed to the same type of the global population of potential customers. In the Figure 2 below I provided details of activities performed in support of the primary and support activities of the HSBC’s Premier Consumer Credit VC. I can definitely identify Customer Intimacy as one of the competencies driving this proposition.
Customer Intimacy – By creating the Premier brand HSBC strived to cater to a very specific customer type. Customer who travels extensively and has a need to posses accounts in multiple currencies in many countries. Customer who accumulated significant wealth and is willing to pay a premium for convenience, ease of transacting and being treated (recognized) as a Premier customer no matter what branch or country he is in.
The Premier proposition was build around 4 basic offerings: - International Recognition and support - Every customer should be recognized as a Premier customer wherever they are or travel in the world and receive the same high standard of service as they do when they are at home. - International services- a unique online service providing customers with a single view of their global HSBC accounts. - Credit Card and Mortgage - A Credit Card with an exclusive "HSBC Premier Privileges" rewards program and a wide range