
Barnes & Noble Nook Marketing Strategy

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Marketing Strategy

Strategic Situation Summary:

Market Target(s) Description: Barnes & Noble Nook

1. Market Segments Identified-

Middle-Upper Class, educated, moderate- high income, heavy internet user

2. Primary Market- Business travelers

Percent More Likely Than Average U.S. Adult to….

• Have accessed the Internet outside the home via WiFi or wireless connection (in last 30 days): 199% • Have household income of $100,000 or more annually: 87% • Have accessed the Internet with a cell phone or other mobile device (in last 30 days): 154% • Be a Heavy Internet User: 116% • Have a Bachelor’s or Post-Graduate Degree: 111% • Be between the ages of 35-54: 20% • Be male: 16%
3. Secondary Market- Education- High School students, College Undergraduates

4. Market Characteristics

a. Geographic- Suburban – travel to cities for work or school

b. Demographic-

The following is a survey conducted for Nook Owners’ age distribution from 111 Nook owners • 7.21% Nook Owners between 10 and 19 - 8 out of 111. • 21.62% Nook owners between 20-29 – 24 out of 111. • 17.11% of Nook owners between 30-39 – 19 out of 111. • 22.52% of Nook owners are between 40-49 – 25 out of 111. •
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This latest addition to the NOOK family gives customers the opportunity to take advantage of the proliferation of both in-home and public Wi-Fi hotspots, where they can browse the Web and shop the Barnes & Noble eBookstore of more than one million eBooks, periodicals and other digital content. With its latest software update for all NOOK devices (now available at, Barnes & Noble is offering all NOOK customers complimentary access to AT&T's entire nationwide Wi-Fi network, including Barnes & Noble bookstores which have previously been available to NOOK

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