The Baroque was a strong time of great art. The lighting and drama worked well with the style from the Renaissance period. Most of the influence came from the bible and religious background.…
Baroque art refers to the style that would be found in Europe and North and South America during the 17th and 18th century. The Catholic Church heavily influenced their art, as well as the Protestant rising up during this time. There was an emphasis on unity and harmony in all of the visual arts that often had themes from the Bible or stories. There was realism and more attention was paid to physical details in portrait paintings, there was more light contrast, landscapes were more expansive and there was use of more deep, rich colors. In architecture there were structures that expressed humans longing for spirituality and there was extreme presentation and in the grand scale it was reflected theatrically (Mindedge, 2013).…
Baroque architecture is the building style of the Baroque era, begun in late 16th-century Italy, and lasting in some regions, notably Germany and colonial South America, until the 18th century. It had its origins in the Counter Reformation, when the Catholic Church launched an overtly emotional and sensory appeal to the faithful through art and architecture. Complex architectural plan shapes, often based on the oval, and the dynamic opposition and interpenetration of spaces were favored to heighten the feeling of motion and sensuality. Other characteristic qualities include grandeur, drama and contrast (especially in lighting), curvaceousness, and an often dizzying array of rich surface treatments, twisting elements, and glided statuary.…
Roughly around the 1600s to 1750s, the Baroque period came to life bringing heightened nature, and more personal and emotional expression to art. It originated in Italy and spread out like a plaque throughout Europe, the Americas, and Spain. Everything from art to literature and even music was more theatrical and was given more emotions. Catholicism was generally being reflected off of the Baroque arts. Dramatic religious paintings were being made…
The music differs from one another through the type of instruments used. The Baroque music used piano and chello unlike the modern day music using acoustic instruments and percussions. They even used electric guitars. I think the biggest difference was the singing; I stated previously that the drums were the biggest difference but the singing was definitely the biggest difference. The Baroque had no singing in the entire concert.…
musical notation using numbers to indicate chords, intervals, and other aspects in relation to the bass note of the music. Continuo is the harmony of the music.…
Music form the period of approximately 1600-1750 is usually referred to as “baroque.” This was a time when the doctrine of the “divine right of kings” ensured the absolute rule of “God-chosen” monarchs. During this time, Louis XIV became the most powerful and praised monarch in all of European history. Discoveries in science stimulated both technology and philosophy. People began to think about ordinary matters in a new way, affected by the newly acquired habits of scientific experimentation and proof. The mental climate stimulated by science significantly affected the art and the music we call Baroque. Science is at work in even the most flamboyant and dazzling of Baroque artistic efforts. There was a dual influence of extravagance and scientism, of the splendid and the schematic, that is found in Baroque art and music. Bach and Handel were both of the Baroque period.…
Baroque music is defined as “that in which the harmony is confused, charged with modulations and dissonances, the melody is harsh and little natural, the intonation difficult, and the movement constrained” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau). To me, baroque music is highly eccentric and decorative; extremely difficult and concise, yet beautiful all at the same time.…
Known as “the two greatest and most influential periods of Italian art…”, the Renaissance and the Baroque periods were ones that relied heavily on the Classical art style, along with its ideals (Mules, n.d.). It affected art all the way through the 1700s, up until a new wave of artists decided to get brave and try new things.…
The Baroque was an era of great changes in religion, politics, science, and economics. The Baroque Era began with the Counter-Reformation and ended with two types of revolutions, political and industrial, that changed the world. The baroque was also a period of scientific innovation led by the discoveries of Descartes and Galileo. Science was no longer based on Greek ideals or religious dogma, but on reason and empirical laws.…
The Baroque period is the first to be among the musical pieces that people today are generally familiar with.…
It originally began in Italy but made also made its way to France, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands. Amid this time period, artists were encouraged to exhibit stronger religious features. Light, realism and naturalism, lines, and time were characteristics of the Baroque art.…
Our modern culture has been influenced by countless things whether it be something from our history or something that happens in our present society. The Baroque Era is one of those things that have influence our culture, not just here in the United States but also in Europe. The Baroque era, which started in Rome;Italy, was an Era in our history that made sure to leave an impact in our society. Due to certain events that happened during the Baroque Era, it has shaped our culture in our Arts, Literature, and also in our Music.…
The term Baroque means an irregularly shaped complex form. It came from the irregularly shaped pearl meaning unnatural and strange. This is completely different, from a description of the music of the time. Musical styles greatly different from artistic styles of the time making it virtually impossible to draw parallels between the two. Instead, one needs to draw independent conclusions about Baroque music.…
“Late Baroque” was ornate and made strong usage of creamy, pastel-like colours, asymmetrical designs, curves and gold.…