Team 2: OBG’s Abstract
This paper aims to examine the different perception barriers individuals face while at work and while they are advancing in their careers and how to overcome those barriers. Some individuals set out to accomplish different career goals. Everyone wants to feel secure on their jobs, contribute to their chosen organization, feel a sense of responsibility and belonging, be fairly compensated for their efforts, and also have some to time to spend with their family. There are also individuals who want to advance quickly in their careers and be in a leadership position; there are some people who want to have a prestige and status in their career and community. Whether an individual’s career goals are simple or complex, they may encounter different perception barriers to achieving their goals. This paper introduces what are barriers to perceptions, what perceptions that individuals face at work and throughout their careers and how to overcome these barriers to achieve personal and career goals. They are an aspect of development in the environment of an individual. The aspect of cognitive influence enhances goals of people beyond what they allow themselves to see, adapt, and face in everyday life. Influence is the rational of movement psychologically within the capable understanding of the human mind to except a pattern of what the thought of life. The barriers of thinking are educated through our environment and the implicated thoughts of the mind in general. Process produces change mentally and physically.
Perception is defined as “a mental image,” an “awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation,” a “physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience” or “a capacity for comprehension” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary (B), 2012). These definitions indicate that perception is a very subjective experience that is
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