Lecture 14-3 hours
18/01/2012 LECTURE: 3:30 to 5:30 (2)
Title 8: Basic Career and Student Self Understanding
• The concept of lifestyle building
• Exploration of career interests and the career value
Lifestyle Building
According to Adler, individual lifestyle are shaped by the children at the age of 5 .
the strategy of each individual is set and use it to deal with inferiority feelings.
Nature artistic or intellectual, dominate or bullying, malingering use as a weapon to get attention and love
The value and importance of social
Treating others as equal in social standing
Build up ‘same-value’ with the others.
oriented toward work
behave according to the norms of behavior
Acquire social feeling as a member of society .
Life Assignment
Career , Friendship , Love
Life Assignment that can be achieved
Social Life , Friends , Career , Build households, produce offspring
Career theory
means traveling or progress in any field of life
The entire scope of work managed by the individual throughout his life
career development - one comprehensive development in the aspects of what they learned , and the preparation in dealing with the career world as an employee
Career - activity or task done by the individual at a particular time .
Theories of career
Ginzberg Theory - a career selection process includes three stages, fantasy , trial or tentative and realistic
Fantasy ( 6-11 )
career choice based on the nearest adult jobs without the understanding of the real situation .
Trial / Tentative ( 11-18 years)
Make a selection based on what they are interested in.
Figuring out whether a career selected are suitable or not.
15-16 years - the relationship between existing selection career interests and values.
SPM - follow a course according to their life ambitions
Realistically 17-20
6 low / diploma with the following