Chapter 2 of Positive
References: Chapter 2 of Positive Psychology
What are the DESCRIPTIVE research methods? Please discuss some of the pro’s and con’s of EACH method.…
Chapter 2 investigates the psychology of well-being along with hedonic and eudaimonic happiness. The discussion and CheckPoint this week are related to the basic concepts found in positive psychology.…
Subjective well-being is based on an individual’s personal judgment of life satisfaction and emotional experience. In other words, subjective well-being or happiness reflects an individual’s perspective of his or her quality of life which relates to the absence of negative experiences as well as the attendance of negative experience. Someone who experiences more positive satisfaction and experiences in their life would have a high level of subjective well-being or be happier in life. When researchers measure this concept they are measuring what people think and feel about their lives. The three components of measuring subjective well-being in an individual are life satisfaction, positive experiences and affect, as well as negative experiences and affect. “Life satisfaction is a cognitive judgment concerning how a person is with his or her life,” (Baumgardner & Crothers, 2009, p. 21). The emotional factors positive and negative experiences and affect relate to an individual’s opinion about his or her life. The positive experience and affect relate to how much enjoyable situations occur in an individual’s life and the satisfaction or joy they have because of those situations. While the negative experiences and affect relate to the how many non-enjoyable situations occur in an individual’s life and the lack of joy or sadness they have because of it. I would choose not to be hooked to a machine that would only give feelings of cheerfulness. Hedonic perspective defines happiness as complete pleasure with minimal sadness. Being hooked to that machine would cause hedonic happiness even if only hooked to the machine for a short amount of time. On the contrary, eudaimonic perspective is when satisfactory life results from living in accordance your true self (Baumgardner & Crothers, 2009). If an individual was completely happy all of the time then if that individual ever had a…
Wellbeing is a state in which an individual's physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs are met and a balance between family, work, leisure and community is achieved.…
Psychology is the study of the brain, stemming from the greek word ‘psyche’ meaning the mind, and is made up of man different theories and perspectives. Each of these look at the human mind and find different explanations for how it works and how people behave. Some of the key psychological perspectives are;…
| A state in which the physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of an individual are met and balance between family, community, leisure and work is achieved. Wellbeing is measured according to our ability to cope with and adjust to change, our self-confidence, self-esteem and peer acceptance.…
Well-being/Wellness is a subjective perception of vitality and feeling well which can be described objectively, experienced, and measured and can be plotted on a continuum. Dunn’s concept of high level wellness theorizes that wellness is the degree of illness/health modified by the environment. It says that it is an integrated method of functioning that is oriented towards maximizing the potential of which the person is capable. It requires that the individual maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful direction within the environment where he is functioning. The patient’s perception of health,…
The following paper will give valuable information regarding performance appraisal. It will also give example of personal experience with evaluations. Next the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation process will be incorporated into the paper. Lastly strategies to improve the performance appraisal process in your workplace for a more positive experience in the future.…
The Children’s Authority believes that promoting positive behaviour is more productive in behaviour management than the use of physical or verbal punishment for challenging behaviours. The use of praise, positive feedback to children, incentive and reward schemes are all integral to promoting positive behaviour. Praise and positive feedback could be given in many ways. These may include the following: o A quiet word or encouraging smile.…
Many special needs classes have found that implementing positive reinforcement in inclusive education has shown remarkable results. When people are genuinely positive, they have better outlooks and results in all parts of life, including education and friends. “Despite limited attention from researchers and practitioners, SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behavior Supports) has potential to positively affect inclusive school reform and outcomes for students with severe disabilities.”(Enyart). Positive reinforcement has a direct correlation to the behavior of children. When a child is put into inclusion they learn how to act around others they don’t know as well, they learn how to control themselves better, and become aware of the classroom setting.…
For this project if I had to design a study investigating the relationship between alcohol and violence, I would use the experimental method. The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable. This method relies on controlled methods, random assignment and manipulation of variables to test a hypothesis (Cherry, n.d.). The reason for this method is so I can put the test subjects in a controlled environment and monitor the affects of the alcohol and see if the alcohol consumed by the test subject allows them to display forms of violence. By using another method with the experimental method to get more results out of this study, I would also use survey research. Survey research is one of the most important areas of measurement in applied social research. The broad area of survey research encompasses any measurement procedures that involve asking questions of respondents. A "survey" can be anything that forms a short paper-and-pencil feedback form to an intensive one-on-one in-depth interview (Trochim, 2006). I would combine these methods to determine the outcome of the study and support my investigation of the relationship between alcohol and violence. For example, I would get four test subjects that would consist of two groups, two men and two women. I would have all subjects fill out a form that displays likes and dislikes and what makes them happy/ unhappy. I would then have one subject from each group would consume alcohol but all the drinks would be the color red each subject will be by themselves for the first hour in different rooms. After that hour they would be placed in room together and exam how the gamma-aminobutyric acid displays the affects of using their dislikes on their behavior after the consumption of alcohol.…
• Wanted to know what factors led individuals to obey the orders of others and when they would allow their conscious to guide their behaviour…
According to our text “A performance appraisal is the formal process through which employee performance is assessed, feedback is provided to the employee, and corrective action plans are designed. Organizations conduct performance appraisals for the following reasons: To evaluate performance objectively, to increase worker motivation, to make administrative decisions, to improve organizational performance, to establish training requirements and to enhance selection and testing processes and outcomes." (Youssef, C. and Noon, A. 2012).…
Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of his thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful. I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances. I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip. Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark. Today I will make a difference.…
Positive emotions can make the difference between a good or a bad day. There are also my benefits to positive emotions. Experiencing positive emotions can enhance resiliency. There will always be times were negative emotions are experience but, positive emotions all for one to offset the negative emotions and better handle stressful situations. Positive emotions also play a big role in an individual’s health. In regards to the cardiovascular and immune system health, the experience of positive emotions can increase and provide better health. It has also been shown that when facing a diagnosis of a disease, that if one has a positive or negative mind set it can make a huge impact on how treatments go as well as how fast one recovers. The experience of positive emotions plays into ones well-being. Experiencing positive emotions can help avoid mental illness and improve depression. People that are happy also tend to have more success in life. They are able to recover from failures and setbacks unlike those who experience negative emotions. Marriages, friendships, work, income, mental and physical health are all more successful when combines with positive emotions. Although emotions are felt by both men and women the difference in sex also provides a difference in how the emotions are felt or displayed.…