An electronic circuit is composed of various types of components. Some of these components are termed as active components because they take part in the transformation of the energy while other components, which only dissipate or store energy, are called as passive elements. The vacuum tubes, rectifier, transistors are some of-the common active while the resistances, which dissipate the power and energy storing elements such as capacitances and inductances are known as passive elements. The transformers may be regarded as a matching device. The success of any electronic circuit depends not only on proper selection of the active elements but on the passive and matching elements too. The proper function, of an active device is decided by the proper values of these passive elements. Hence the selection of these elements such as resistances, inductances, capacitance, and transformers not only require the proper attention, but also decide the proper function of the active devices as well as the circuit as a whole.
Here we shall discuss about some important electronic components and their characteristics, particularly used in Biomedical instruments.
These can be classified into
1.1.1 Passive Components : Components like resistance, capacitance inductance, and fall in this class.
1.1.2 Active Components : They can be further classified as
Semiconductor Devices : Semiconductor diode, zener diode, and varactor diode etc.
Uni-junction transistor, Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), FET, silicon, Controlled rectifier etc.
Vacuum Tube Devices : Vacuum tube diode, triode, Tetrode, Pentode, Hexode,
Heptode etc.
Gas Tube Devices : Gas diodes, Thyratons etc.
Photo Sensitivity Devices : Gas photodiodes, photo multiplier tubes, photodiodes, light emitting diode, photosensitive transistor etc.
Though there are devices, which