Lastly, the ethical principle beneficence placed emphasis on the prevention of harming human subjects and to keep the intervention at a minimal risk; however, the researcher should also try to gain the best benefits from the intervention when the application of the intervention is initiated. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014) cited human risk factors which included obtaining site permission, understanding the conflict of interest, one’s personal bias, and the use of intellectual property as the essential components when conducting research and applying these three ethical principles in applied action research situations. For that reason, the following is an analysis of these components in relationship to a possibly applied capstone deliverable for this community
Lastly, the ethical principle beneficence placed emphasis on the prevention of harming human subjects and to keep the intervention at a minimal risk; however, the researcher should also try to gain the best benefits from the intervention when the application of the intervention is initiated. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014) cited human risk factors which included obtaining site permission, understanding the conflict of interest, one’s personal bias, and the use of intellectual property as the essential components when conducting research and applying these three ethical principles in applied action research situations. For that reason, the following is an analysis of these components in relationship to a possibly applied capstone deliverable for this community