The participants will be given the opportunity to ask any question; as it relates to the study, and the requirements to participate in the study. After verbal consent has been given over the phone, and all criteria are met. Each participant will be educated on confidentiality; which is a very important factor in any research, for confidentiality and ethical guideline, each parallel of each other, as key components in research. Not only is confidentiality important, but confidentiality is essential to protect each person’s identity. Guillemin and Gillam (2004) explored the importance of ethics in research by focusing on and highlighting the problems that can arise, when ethics are not present in the research method, and possible solutions that can be utilized by researchers to address those concerns. Gulliemin and Gillam (2004) found that there are distinct differences in procedural ethics and ethical practices. Findings indicated that ethics is not only an important concept in research, but ethics are essential to appropriate …show more content…
After the initial over the phone interview. Participants that met the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate in the study will be asked to set up a time and location, for the face to face interviews. To protect the safety of participants, the researcher will utilize a private room at the local library. Upon the beginning of the interview, the researcher will explain the purpose of the study once more, and collect consent forms with signatures. During that time, the researcher will reiterate the information within the consent form, purpose of study, confidentiality and address any questions before conducting interviews. After completion of each interview the researcher will utilize marked folders to identify each participant, using a color coding process to eliminate the use of names; that could potentially be seen by other participants while conducting interviews. All folders will be locked in a secure brief case, after completion of each interview. After all completed interviews the secure locked brief case will be transported to a secure storage area; an area rented by researcher. The researcher will be the only person to have access to the storage unit; with the unit containing a locked filing cabinet. All information will be later reviewed by the researcher to complete appropriate data analysis