Batman's level of determination is as strong as ever, as he is pushing himself to the brink. This makes for great tension and fondness of the character.
"Still a mission." Says the guy, Jesus, Bruce. It's been one of my beloved traits of his, bleeding, battered, and almost at a loss but still moving forward. The Shadow has turned into a more of as supporting character, but he's always been that voice behind Bruce's head throughout the series. …show more content…
Each panel placement has thought. I mentioned in my last review, the abyss and the villains have juxtaposed with images of hell. The backgrounds carry skulls of suffering, I'll place it up against this classic 1800's painting by Gustave Dore: La vision des Ossements Desséchés. Much inspiration of hellish torment and suffering came from Dante Alighieri's Inferno. This is suiting, because the Joker is one of the most demonic villains possible, and Batman is one of the most tortured heroes. Riley Rossmo has a gift of drawing desperation, it might be due to how lanky he's is able to draw them, yet still having the characters hold their heroic