Protagonist – In the movie, The Dark Knight Rises, there is Batman. He is a well-known superhero who protects the city of Gotham. He dresses as a bat, is a billionaire, and has tons of weapons to defeat bad guys. Although many people are not superhero’s, Batman is a great example of a protagonist because of what he goes through. Many can sympathize with his need to help or his isolation …show more content…
The minions are bright yellow things that look a lot like gigantic jelly beans. They are a perfect example since throughout the movie they stay relatively the same, and that is what makes a static character.
Dynamic Character – In the movie, Despicable Me, there is a character by the name of Gru. He is a super-villain who is quite tall and top heavy. Throughout the movie he starts out mean and greedy, however, with the help of three little girls he changes tremendously. He begins to care and develop love for others. This is the perfect example of a dynamic character since it is someone who changes as the result of events. Gru changed because three girls came into his life and turned it completely upside down.
Stereotypical – In the movie, Mean Girls, there is a character by the name of Gretchen. She is the typical dumb girl out of the three friends. Also Regina George and her girls are the typical popular mean girls in high school. They are the perfect examples of stereotypical characters since they fall into a stereotype.
Round – Back to the movie, Despicable Me, Gru is a round character. He is one because as the viewer during the movie you see so much emotion and so many sides of him. Since a round character is a character that has more than one facet in their personality he is the perfect