Men and women have existed on this planet for hundreds of years. Surviving together by involving themselves in relationships and living together in harmony. Or so people think. These relationships are gateway to happiness or an opening for torture and torment. Most men and women involved in a relationship are happy and benefit from one another’s company, but when a relationship develops problems it can lead to a multitude of issues dealing with abuse. Women are mainly the victims of the abuse caused by their mate or spouse. Most women will deny the fact that their partner is abusive and ignore any help from friends or family. These women have developed what is called Battered Women Syndrome, a condition that is caused by the abusiveness of the relationship they are enduring. Throughout the relationship the women is beaten and torn down emotionally and physically that they feel the need to stay with their partner and begin to think that the abuse is normal.
Why Women Stay With …show more content…
Their Abusers
Battered Women Syndrome Women have many attractions to the male species such as looks, smell, athletic ability, body features, and many more.
If someone were to walk on the streets and ask if women thought abusiveness was attractive they were answer no in a heartbeat. So why do women who are abused in relationships stay with their mate? The answer is based on a medical condition called Battered Women Syndrome. The syndrome is caused when a woman is in a relationship where the partner is abusive to the point that the woman has acquired symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Battered Woman Syndrome is a sub-category of PTSD, in which the victim has developed a dissociation condition that does not allow them to assess the pain and abuse that they are encountering from their spouse. The dissociation causes them to feel the pain and torment from their partner but makes them feel guilty for being “bad” and allows them to accept the abuse therefore making them return to the abusive
Why Women Stay Women in abusive relationships tend to recognize the problems of their partner and end what is going on between them. But the ones that cannot identify the abuse are subject to the condition of Battered Woman Syndrome. The syndrome does not enable the woman to be able to stand up for herself and defend her right to be in a relationship without a abuse. The torture they have to endure on a daily basis keeps bringing them back because of the emotional and physical anguish. Friends and family can help as much as they can but the victim will always make up an excuse to give them that make it seem like everything is normal and good. An example would be the victim saying “But I love him,” giving the impression that the person is happy to be with their partner. But along with the excuses comes the clinical reason that the person couldn’t handle being away from someone they have had a long-standing relationship with. The abuse has taken over and taken away the emotional morals that the victim originally carried before the relationship. As the woman bears the brunt of the abuse they are incapable of making their own personal decisions to get out of the relationship because the abuse has cause them to believe they are at fault and have to stay with their partner.
Real World Application Battered Woman Syndrome is everywhere in the world and most of the cases go unannounced and unnoticed. The most popular case in recent years is the case of musical artists Chris Brown and Rihanna. Brown was charged with assault after allegedly beating his girlfriend Rihanna. Three weeks after the charge the couple was reportedly back together and many people around the country were shocked. How could a pop star like Rihanna go back to an abusive person like Chris Brown? Many psychologists believe it was the condition Battered Woman Syndrome that caused the singer to go back. The abuse and dissociative disorder would give reasonable explanation as to why this would happen. However in any case whether it is a famous duo beating each other or two people on Main Street the outcome is never acceptable.
• Kanazawa, S. (2008, April 13). Why Do Some Battered Women Stay? Retrieved January 27, 2015, from
• Landau, E. (2009, March 4). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from
• Malkin, D. (2013, March 1). Why Do People Stay in Abusive Relationships? Retrieved January 27, 2015, from
• Walker, L. (2009, July 7). Battered Woman Syndrome. Retrieved January 27, 2015, from