The battle began and ended on April 21, 1836, at San Jacinto. Sam Houston and his men charged the Mexicans, chanting,” Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!” “The actual battle of San Jacinto lasted less than twenty minutes, but it was in the making for six years.” (TexasA& Santa Anna, afraid for his life, disguised as a slave and hid. Only nine Texans were killed, but six hundred- and thirty Mexicans died. After he was captured, Santa Anna surrendered, and so Sam Houston spared his life. After he was released, Anna recanted and tried to plot revenge. The Texan government, then requested to join the United States of
The battle began and ended on April 21, 1836, at San Jacinto. Sam Houston and his men charged the Mexicans, chanting,” Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!” “The actual battle of San Jacinto lasted less than twenty minutes, but it was in the making for six years.” (TexasA& Santa Anna, afraid for his life, disguised as a slave and hid. Only nine Texans were killed, but six hundred- and thirty Mexicans died. After he was captured, Santa Anna surrendered, and so Sam Houston spared his life. After he was released, Anna recanted and tried to plot revenge. The Texan government, then requested to join the United States of