Gently dry face.
Step 11
OPTIONAL - Treat your face with an over-the-counter product to treat the bumps.
Step 12
Apply vitamin E cream to moisturize your face in the non-shaven areas.
For an easier reference, here is a chart of the week and brief description of what to do for that day.
BeaSarc Facial Care System – System A Copyright 2008, 2012 ©
After years of experimenting and trying just about everything on the market, it was a well over thirty-five years ago when I first started to develop this system of fighting shaving bumps and ingrown hairs. Over the years, I continued to improve and perfect this system. Since the continued implementation and regular use of this system, many people have asked me how I kept a bump-less, …show more content…
It has taken me years of experimenting and using my face to find out what works best, and I believe this system - the BeaSarc Facial Care System of fighting shaving bumps and ingrown hairs will and can help you have a bump-less, clean, smooth, youthful-looking shaven face. Now, I am not saying that the shaving bumps/ingrown hairs will not return. However, what I am saying is that if you apply my system of treatment, that you too will have a more controlled, bump-less, clean, smooth, and youthful-looking face, whenever you shave. The key to the process is the maintenance of your skin between shavings. We shave, men and women. It’s a fact of life. For some it is mandatory. For others, it is their personal preference. But whatever the reason, it is something that is done on a regular basis. I discovered that your choice of shaving utensil could considerably impact the overall appearance of your skin after shaving. Remember not every shaving tool can be used by everyone, so you would have to determine which shaving tool is best for you, that would ultimately give you the best satisfaction and appearance. The system will work for you when you decide what tool works best for you. Some may contribute to you getting more shaving bumps and ingrown hairs if it is not used properly. So it is important to determine which one works best for you and then follow up with my system. It is vital …show more content…
Love your face as you love your significant other, car, or whatever it is you hold near and dear to your heart. You will do your utmost to care for them. Apply that same thinking to your facial skin and you will not be disappointed.
One more tip, I want to reiterate with you is to continue to apply the Aztec Healing Clay process at least two times a week, but no more than three times a week. By doing this, it will train and help your skin to become accustomed to this regular process. Every ninety days or so, give your face a break from shaving and let your beard grow out (if you are able), continuing to care for your face with the BeaSarc Facial Care System, following all the steps except shaving.
Here is a quick reference guide to fighting shaving bumps and ingrown hairs. It will show a complete list of the steps to the process. Please see detail description of System A for application in the previous