“Beauty and the Beast” is a classic fairy tale that has been retold through various media such as oral storytelling, written short story, opera, film and musical theatre. With each rendition the story is given a new perspective and a focus on different elements for the reader/audience to consider. In 1946 Jean Cocteau adapted Madame Leprince de Beaumont’s written short story of “Beauty and the Beast” for the film, Beauty and the Beast, starring Jean Marais and Josette Day. Each of these versions offers their own unique approach to the tale and have become classics in their own right. De Beaumont’s story was written so as to have it read and enjoyed by adults and children, whereas Cocteau’s film is aimed primarily at …show more content…
In de Beaumont’s story there is only one mention of the mirror that allows Beauty to see her father. However, in the film the mirror is used often and for many purposes. The mirror allows Beauty to see her father falling ill, however this could also be a reflection of Beauty’s subconscious and how ill she feels due to homesickness. The Beast uses the mirror to find Beauty when he feels the need, which shows a level of distrust on his part. When Beauty returns home to visit her family, the mirror is brought to her, via Magnificent. Falling into the hands of Beauty’s wicked sisters, the mirror reflects their inner selves by showing an old woman and a monkey when they look into it. When Beauty looks into it, her own reflection appears followed by the Beast dying and then returns to her own reflection. This allows Beauty to see the Beast, however due the multi-functionality the mirror has presented in previous reflections throughout the film, the viewer’s perception concerning the purpose of each reflection, by this point, is skewed and the image of the Beast can then be interpreted as a reflection of Beauty’s beastliness toward the Beast for not keeping her promise. The mirror is personified by having the ability to alter what is shown through its glass. This personification further emphasises a sense of mistrust, as the