Styles of Leadership in the Competing Values Framework
In order to be able to solve problems appropriately within a company, a manager has to be able to inspire others to work hard to accomplish important tasks. This process is called Leadership. To be successful in this area, the manager has to find a balance between task and relationship orientation. According to Kenneth Blanchard: “The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority”. Even though this sounds simple and understandable, it is quite complicated to act in an appropriate way in different situation. To be able to implement the appropriate behaviour, different styles have to be considered. This will be done in the following paragraphs.
This paragraph will be about the miscommunication problem between employees and managers. This problem will be dealt with on a Collaborative and a Creative Managerial Behaviour. In each of these two dimensions, two leadership styles will be discussed.
A mentor is a manager who is involved with what is happening on his department and feels committed to do his best to fulfil his job correctly. For this reason he also feels responsible for the work of others operating together with him. Would there occur a conflict or miscommunication between him and his employees, he would feel empathy and try to work on a solution. It is not common for such managers to endure such conflicts, but if it would be the case, then this would result in a consensus between the two, since the manager feels it is very important to step up and do something about it. He is more behaving on a equal level with other working with him, instead of asking for authority. What is negative about this style, is that the person in charge becomes soft hearted and then may lose grip on the actual work which has to be done. Consequently chaos will take over the work and result in the company going the wrong direction.
Even though it is good for