|Specific purpose: To inform my audience on how to make |
|candles. |
|Attention Getter |What comes to mind when you see candles? We associate candles with celebrations (like birthdays) or |
|Citing source |special occasions. Accoridng to Wikipedia,candles date back to the Ancient Egyptians who are credited |
| |with making the first candles. |
| |I’m sure that all of us at some point have used candles for celebrations, romantic experiences, or for |
|Reference to the audience: |just plain decoration. The great part about making your own candles is that they are inexpensive to make|
| |and you shape the wax into something special. What could be more special than to make someone you love a|
| |homemade gift? |
|Rhetorical question | |
|Preview/outline of the main |I will explain three basic things which include how to go about finding the right materials, how to melt|
|parts |the wax, and how to make a molded ice-cube candle. |
|Linking ideas-sequencing |Let’s start by doing the most important thing, which is to find all of the materials, and tools needed |
| |to