DQ 1
Consider the statement “psychology has a long past but a short history.” What do you think this means? In your opinion, which person or perspective has had the most influence on the growth of psychology?
That statement means that psychology has been around for a long time but was never socially accepted and practiced until later. The author is commenting ironically upon the fact that millions of persons experienced or suffered psychological problems for thousands of years before today. He 's saying that there have been recognized psychological shortcomings, behaviors and problems across 12 millennia; but that attempts to study individual and categorical psychological states and conditions seriously only began in the 19th Century, and even then were not very successful at all.
In my opinion, (The long past) there have been psychological issues …show more content…
This was a very interesting puzzle. It took a little less than 5 minutes to solve, but I had to "think out of the box" in order to find a different way to solve the problem than in a linear fashion.
Initially, I interpreted the question in a simple linear fashion. Take one animal. Then take the next animal. Then take the final animal. I would use logic to address the "obvious solution." Simple or so I thought.
So, what I did was I thought through the problem sequentially. If I took the dog across first, I would be leaving the cat and the mouse alone on the right side of the riverbank. Clearly, that wouldn 't work since the cat would eat the mouse. Therefore, I concluded correctly that I can 't take the dog across the river first.
Next, I also knew that I couldn 't take the mouse across the river first because then I would be leaving the dog and the cat on the right side of the river alone. That wouldn 't work since the dog would eat the