In Psychology learning is seen as a change in behaviour caused by an experience. Behaviorism, is seen as a learning theory; an attempt to explain how people or animals learn by studying their behaviour. The Behaviourists Approach has two theories to help explain how we learn, Classical conditioning and operant conditioning. In this task I will attempt to describe and evaluate this approach.…
As a preceptor, it is important to integrate the learning theories into practice, to develop student’s cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains based on Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom, 1956). In this stage, different theories were involved, such as cognitive learning theory, behavioral learning theory and social learning theory. Cognitive learning theory focuses on the thought processes and learning is viewed as the acquisition of new information (Goldstein, Naglieri & Devries, 2011). The individual learns by listening, watching, touching, reading, or experiencing and then processing and memorizing the information (Schunk, 2010). However, behavioral learning theory learn though a continual process of stimulating and reinforcing a desired response, eventually the behavior is changed to match the desired response (Bower &Hilgard, 1981). Behavioral learning theory recognizes that learning has taken place by a change in behavior; it regards all behavior as a response to stimulus (Hand, 2006). Behavioral learning theory involves positive and negative reinforcement, which reflects in operant conditioning. Operant conditioning developed by Skinner, emphasized on using positive reinforcement to enhance good performance, or using negative reinforcement to eliminate bad behavior, which leads to achievement of learning…
Using findings from Cognitive Development Theory of Educational Psychology, the instructor can more successfully understand the student’s mind and base their teaching on where the student is in stage of cognitive development, if they are in disequilibrium or equilibrium, and where the student’s zone of proximal development is, among other things. This will help make each and every lesson with the student more potent and allow the student to move along at a rate that fits their cognitive development…
Teachers need to be aware that there is a wide range of different theories, which are connected to both how students learn, and more importantly the way in which they teach effectively, often in their comfort zone. Whilst there is a wide range of different learning theories these can be generalised into three main groups; Behaviourist theories, which can be defined as “learning is a change in behaviour”, (Pavlov, 1927, cited in Gould, 2009); Cognitive theories, “which are concerned with what happens inside our heads as we learn” (Gould, 2009; p44); and Humanism theories “which focus on how individuals acquire emotions, attitudes, values and interpersonal skills” (Ormrod, 2008; p388).…
Volume 7, No. 2). Behaviorist theory of education has proven to be the most effective style of teaching…
Behaviourism looked at learning in a scientific way, theorist of the time believed that they could teach anything as they could condition an animal to behave in a particular way, whether it was a dog to salivate by the use of food, Pavlov (Learning and Teaching [internet], or pigeons playing table tennis, by breaking the game down into a sequence of actions, Skinner (Edschool.csueastbay [internet]. The person was conditioned to their environment. However behaviourism is very limited, due to the need to repeat the process so many times. This in turn reduces how fulfilled the learner would be especially if the lesson was purely based on behavioural learning. However behaviourism is still important in today’s classroom in the systematic reinforcement of each aspect which helps build up here understanding. Also giving praise, and giving the…
Many examples of different teaching theories are evident across academic literature. Examples of these include Classical and Operant conditioning, Kolb’s learning cycle, Gagnes 9 events of instruction,…
The behaviourist theory centres on control over learning coming from the environment in a stimulus and response conditioning style. Learning is expressed as observable behaviour by memorising given information and responding accordingly. Its purpose in education is to produce learning in a desired direction with the educator 's role being to arrange the environment to elicit desired responses. Behaviourism as a psychological construct was founded by John Watson in 1913 and further developed in a purely educational context by Skinner. Skinners research focuses on continual reinforcement through positive and negative experiences to increase the rate of learning. (Learner Theories Knowledgebase, 2012)…
The behaviorist theory is based off of positive and negative feedback to students in a classroom. It is a way to train the students in learning the correct way so they can keep moving onto the level of their education. An example can be a mouse in a cage that is really thirsty. Well the mouse will do and try anything to get out of that cage to get something to drink but when it finds the feeding bottle and see that all it has to do is push the little tab on the end to get some…
Behavior theory is becoming more and more popular because of the emphasis this approach places on teaching self management skills to better control a persons life, all without continued therapy. A basic assumption of behavioral perspective is that all problematic behaviors, conditions and emotions have already been learned. Thus they can be modified by simply learning new behaviors. Students are taught to how to develop new perspectives of learning. Students are encouraged to try new behaviors that will generate a positive outcome over negative learned behaviors.…
Learning theories have been influential since the 20th century and are now used as diagnostic tools to help identify styles in which learners learn, (Avis et al. 2010). The summary behind these concepts, propose that all people learn differently, and to ensure individual learning needs teachers need to recognize these styles to address differentiation and learning needs of individual within group of learners, (Jarvis, 2006). The key learning theories from research are; behaviourism, cognitivism and humanist. Key academics Pavlov, Skinner and Watson (1973) influence the theory behind behaviourism. They approach behaviourism as a scientific approach towards a desired goal, consisting of reinforcement to shape behaviour. In thus the teachers act as a stimulant; shaping behaviour via repetition and habit forming to create a response. However influential theorists Bruner (1966), Piaget (1926) and Gagne (1985), argue that this style is manipulative, the learner will know how that learning process takes place but not necessarily know why? Behaviourist looked at the environment stimuli influencing response, whereas cognitivists look at the individual’s mental process in learning and how they gain that knowledge. Bruner (1966) believes people learn with the acquisition of knowledge as social process of problem solving. The focus stems to establishing positive conditions that promote the individuals path of being ‘ready to learn’, establishing a ‘meaning to learning’; with initiative and analytical thinking and finally with relevance of self- fulfilment of what ‘motivates the learner’. This takes away the behaviourist approach of learning without an external reward to learning with independent meaning in which you create your own path. Lastly Humanist approach to learning develops the idea of the learners at the centre of the learning process, (Maslow, 1970 and Rodgers et al, 1983). Rogers (1983) influenced this approach and believed that each learner is free to direct…
Standridge, M. (2003). Behaviorism - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology. Projects Server Introduction. Retrieved from…
This learning perspective focuses mainly on the “stimuli and responses” that are observed while the learning is taking place and how their behavior is effected by their surrounding stimuli. The behavior is greatly affected by this perspective of learning and can be controlled by the environment the person is in. The consequences of behavior must occur in order for the learning to have any kind of affect. The Behaviorism learning perspective can assist teachers with understanding how their student’s behavior changes during the learning process and make for a more productive…
In this paper, I will discuss my learning experiences and analyze them with the perspective of learning theories. I will analyze my learning experiences concerning classical conditioning, operant conditioning and cognitive- social learning theory.…
Neo – Behaviorism - Transitional group, bridging the gap between behaviorism and cognitive theories of learning.…