Free will is part in of our own responsibility. It’s part of our conscious mind, our choice, to complete certain task, or game. On a criminal justice point of view however, a felony or a crime. Our actions are determined not by other people but our own state of mind. The classical and neo-classical theory states that “all individuals have free will and makes all their own choices in life based upon this free will.” (Aberle 46) people know what they are capable of, and they use that to their advantage.
According to Becarria, “individuals commit crimes because they have made a choice to do so.” (Aberle 46) I agree with this statement completely. It is an individual’s choice if they’re going to steal from an elderly lady down on Fremont, or kill the family that’s living in the house next door to you. Humans have full control of their body. However, if they have a mental illness well, that a different case. A mentally ill human is more vulnerable however, then a fully aware person. In some cases opposite from Becarria, I don’t agree with the death penalty. Becarria “felt that the death penalty, while cruel and excessive, was also an ineffective measure to reduce or punish crime.” We as a country can just go and kill people off. By making them feel completely secluded from the world I feel, is a better punishment. However, in slaughter cases, murder, do they deserve the death penalty? Maybe in some cases yes. The death penalty I believe should be used in a more high risk cases. On the other hand, the crime should be determined on how serious the crime was that the suspect has committed willingly.
There are many studies and theories on the why. Why people commit the crimes that they do. Whether it’s genetics (father/or mother to child), free willingly, or plain stupidity. I feel that the changes that the government can make in the criminal justice system is encourage citizens especially students, to stay in school and/or sports. Sports in school, makes a big difference in the amount of drop out percentages. If they occupy their free time with sports, work, or studying, then they won’t have time to go out and kill innocent people.