Since Physical Therapy has many strenuous and advanced techniques, it has several educational requirements that must be complete before beginning practice as a Physical Therapist. Before entering any Physical Therapy programs, a Bachelor’s degree must be earned. Students must also have observation and volunteer experience in the Physical Therapy area to engage with patients, do hands-on …show more content…
Physical Therapists earn approximately $40.40 per hour. Their salary ranges between $57,060 to $119,790, and the average salary for Physical Therapists is $84,020 per year. While Physical Therapist have various work places, the highest wages go to those working in schools, home healthcare, long term care, geriatrics, and nursing and rehabilitation centers.
When receiving a new patient, the first thing the Physical Therapist must do is review the patient's medical history and the notes received from the doctor or surgeon. After the reviews, the patient will be observed standing and walking so the Physical Therapist can diagnose their functions and movements. Next the patient will express their concerns and worries so the Physical Therapist can develop and appropriate plan for the patient. A set schedule will be made for the patient to come in or for the Doctor to visit them so they can complete their treatment. They will then use various stretches, exercises, hands-on therapy activities, and equipment to improve mobility. The activities will prevent further pain and injury in addition to facilitating health and wellness. Over time, the Physical Therapist will record progress. If the patient isn't improving much then a new treatment will be