-being obese means you’re well over your healthy weight range and you are way more likely to get a serious disease that affects your health very negatively and could even lead to cancers and death
-Based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Health Survey, Almost 63% of adults in Australia are either overweight or obese and over 25% of Australian children are overweight or obese. That is 2 in 3 adults and 1 in 4 children. That rate has increase by 10% since 1995 in which 53% of adults in Australia were either overweight or obese. -It was also found that 15% more people that live in the outer regions of Australia (like the country) are over weight than people living in major cities (the urban/city area) (probably due to lack of education or more limited food sources or lack of communication with outside world). …show more content…
-obesity and being overweight are increasing because peoples diets are changing and there is a lack of exercise
-more fast food that is affordable and cheap making people more prone to buying it which causes them to gain weight -This obesity/overweight problem is a major concern for Australia and these rates need to be known so the associated health problems are properly dealt with/financed.
-The associated health problems are diseases such as cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, some musculoskeletal conditions and some cancers.—-
-Something that may help this obesity/overweight problem is introducing a sugar tax on sugary drinks in