1- Spacing is used to design a document and make it more readable.
2- By default line spacing is single but you can change as per your convenience.
3- You can also define the space before and after a paragraph by using paragraph dialog box.
4- Tab stops are used to control the alignment of text within a document. There are five types of tab stops-Left, Right, Centre, Decimal & Bar. Horizontal bar can be used for tab settings.
5- Tab stops can be sat or clear through dialog box.
6- Alignment of text can be centered, left, right or justified. By default alignment is left.
7- Numbering of the pages can be done by using page number option or by using header and footer tool bar method.
8- Bookmark facility is also available which is used to identify the beginning of a chapter.
9- Spell check facility can be used either by check utility or by automation spell check.
10- Auto correct feature recognizes common typing mistakes and correct it.
11- Find and Replace option search a word and replace it with something else.
12- Header and Footer can add by using view menu or by using tool bar.
13- By default, Word creates columns of equal size but you can change the width and number.
14- MS-Word provides and option to protect or unprotect your document with the help of password.
15- By default, MS-Word uses a simple black dot as a bullet or pointer but you can create the customized bullets by using customize button option. Number list can also be used or created.
16- A Drop Cap facility is used for starting a paragraph with a large letter.