Ben and Jerry's Management Style
Ben and Jerry’s ice cream has been in business since 1978. It began with Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield and a combined life savings of $8,000. These two young men had a vision and were able to develop into one of the most successful ice cream businesses in America. Most importantly, they have employee’s that genuinely enjoy working for the company and are motivated to go to work. How does this company do it? This essay will explore how Ben and Jerry’s motivate its employees by having values and a goal-oriented business. There are some defining terms and concepts to have a general understanding of before reviewing the success of Ben and Jerry’s. One of those is understanding what individuals perceive and why they believe in a company or a product. The actual definition of perception is the act of using the senses to become aware of the environment (Bowman). People use perception to create their own beliefs about themselves and their surroundings, and in turn, create their values (Bowman). If managers can understand an employee’s “mental map”, or perception, they can then truly lead that person and create solutions to problems for a win-win solution (Bowman). The problem with individual perceptions is that they are not always correct and are easily transformed into what we want to believe or value. This is a big challenge for many employers to address with their employees. It is impossible to motivate or get productivity out of someone if they perceive the company negatively.
Ben and Jerry’s have been able to combine perceptions, values and beliefs of the company with their employees, and customers to create their positive environment. It starts with the company’s product mission statement that states, “To make, distribute & sell the finest quality all natural ice cream & euphoric concoctions with a continued commitment to incorporating wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment”. This
References: Abernathy, M. (1999). Goal setting works! Dental Economics, 89(10), 72-76. Retrieved April 30, 2004, from ProQuest Medical Library database.
Allen, G. (1998). Motivation, Supervision.
Bowman, J.P. (2002). External Reality and Subjective Experience.
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