Recent studies in the UK and Europe found that the use of HACCP is widespread in larger food companies but is limited in small companies. The meaning of the term “small and/or less developed businesses” (SLDBs) are businesses that lack of technical expertise and economic resources due to their sizes and encounter problems in implementing HACCP in their food business. The term “less developed business” refers to the status of the food safety management system and not to the number of staff or volume of production. HACCP is not legally required internationally but at most of the region. There are a number of certain external conditions such as regulations and market forces have increased the pressure on small business to implement HACCP. In the past, small food business was not encouraged to apply HACCP as it is too complex and costly for them. However, as the concern of public health issue is getting more attention from both authorities and consumer, small business companies might be required to apply HACCP in the future. There are some benefits might be gained and barriers to overcome when implementing HACCP in small business as they do not have large capital and only small number of staffs available. However, the principle of HACCP can be applied to any size of food product manufacturing or processing business as long as the food operators are adequately trained and given with some guidance and assistance.
There are a number of barriers hinder the food business owner to implement HACCP in their own companies. However, the identified problems should be able to overcome if they seek assistance and guidance from HACCP consultancy. Some common problems are listed below and methods to overcome the barriers are provided. 1. Cost Constraint
Financial capital constraint could be a major barrier for small business to implement HACCP practically. These constraints could include the insufficiently provision of grants from