Topic: Cell Phone Thesis: Using cell phone could be very beneficial in everyday lives, however, there are some drawbacks that we need to be aware of. Possible introduction: Nowadays, more people are using cell phone compared to several years ago because of its beneficial factors it brings. People could communicate easier, be up-to-date with current technological inventions, and teach responsibility value to children. However, we need to be fully aware of the negative sides it brings, such as addiction.
Main point 1: Ease of communication
Sub point 1: Never miss a call
Sub point 2: Ability to stay in touch (parents with children, friends)
Main point 2: Technological advancement Sub point 1: GPS Sub point 2: Applications (tracking, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
Main point 3: Responsibility Sub point 1: Teach children discipline Sub point 2: Teach time management skills
Main point 4 (opposing point of view): Addiction Sub point 1: Expensive bill, affect study behavior Sub point 2: Distraction (texting while driving)
Possible conclusion: Even though there are several drawbacks in using cell phone, we could manage to outweigh the benefit cell phone has if we could limit ourselves in using it in our everyday lives. It is best to always keep a good balance of our social live and our social networking live.
Buczynski, B. (2013, May 4). The Cell Phone Turns 40: Pros and Cons of a Cordless Life . Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion. Retrieved August 11, 2013, from
Pros and Cons of Cell Phones Becoming a Major Part of Children 's Lives . (n.d.). Appliance Parts & Consumer Electronic Parts | PartSelect . Retrieved August 11, 2013, from
Putnam County CUSD 535 - The Pros and Cons of having Cell Phones in High Schools. (n.d.). Putnam County CUSD 535. Retrieved August 11, 2013, from
References: Buczynski, B. (2013, May 4). The Cell Phone Turns 40: Pros and Cons of a Cordless Life . Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion. Retrieved August 11, 2013, from Pros and Cons of Cell Phones Becoming a Major Part of Children 's Lives . (n.d.). Appliance Parts & Consumer Electronic Parts | PartSelect . Retrieved August 11, 2013, from Putnam County CUSD 535 - The Pros and Cons of having Cell Phones in High Schools. (n.d.). Putnam County CUSD 535. Retrieved August 11, 2013, from