* According to lines 19-23, what does the story of Grendel’s origin suggest about the beliefs Anglo-Saxon culture? : You could tell they were very religious.
* Contrast the lair of Grendel to Herot Hall. : Grendel’s lair was underground & dark, & Herot Hall was a happier place full of joy.
* Paraphrase lines 34-40. : Grendel silently snatched & killed 30 men, dragging their bodies back to his lair.
Identify the following terms
* Name the Danish Hall in Beowulf. :Herot hall
Define Anglo-Saxon Terms
* Scop(s) – Traveling Story teller.
* Mead – Alcohol or some type of liquor.
The Exerter Book was compiled by monks as early as 871 during Anglo-Saxon period. * Paraphrase lines 264-279. : Beowulf talks about battling the monster with his bare hand & he states that it’s all in gods hand.
* What does Beowulf ask of Hrothgar? : Shelter of warriors & his peoples loved friend.
* What values and beliefs of warrior culture does Beowulf’s attitude reflect towards death? : He believes it’s control by god & that if it is his time then he will be called upon.
* How does the “renaming’s” of Grendel in line 325 emphasize the weighty significance of the battle that is about to begin? : That it’s about good vs. evil.
* What advantages does Beowulf have in his fight with Grendel? : He has slayed a monster of his kind before & he has god on his side.
* Paraphrase lines 543-562. : Grendel mother carries Beowulf off to her home, holding him so tight that he couldn’t move his sword, that’s when Beowulf attack her & they began to fight. : Beowulf’s men seem to think to think he has lost the battle because they start to see blood in the lake & the fact that Beowulf has yet to come out.