Beowulf has many heroic characteristics. When Beowulf went to the Land Of Danes, he went to kill Grendel. He didn't do it for the fame or the power. He wanted to kill him to help the Geats. He felt as if it was right, he says “They had in remembrance my courage and might. Many had seen me come safe from the conflict.” He never expected anything from anybody after anything he would do.…
In the epic poem Beowulf, the main character named Beowulf is portrayed as an epic hero. An epic hero is a person who has an outstanding quality and a specialty to him,…
To sum it all up, In Beowulf, Beowulf is an archetypal hero who ended up being corrupted by the fame and fortune that was gained while doing the Danes a favour and killing their monsters. In Grendel, Grendel was labeled as a monster who tried to be part of a human society; the failure to be accepted as part of the society has forced Grendel to act like how he was labeled.…
Epic heroes possess many traits that other characters lack. Among these are physical strength, bravery, and wisdom. These attributes aid the heroes with their journeys throughout the epic. Beowulf exemplifies each of these traits somewhere is the story. They aid him in his battles with monsters and allow him to be a leader to his people. These traits cause Beowulf to stand out among his peers and endear him to the reader. Beowulf is definitely a perfect example of an epic hero. Beowulf's physical strength, bravery, and wisdom characterize him as an epic hero.…
It is said that Zeus, the Lord of the Sky, once stated that a true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart. A person who claims to be a hero can boast about his strength and how many monsters he’s defeated, but he can’t be a true hero if in the end he’s defeating all these monsters to show off. A true and epic hero is the man or woman who has the intent on helping people in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Beowulf, because of his selflessness, valor, and honor, is the epitome of an epic hero.…
Beowulf’s first heroic traits were his use of strtength and courage. With his courage he was able to stand up and protect his fellow people and with his strength it helped him defate his eniemies. For example, in the battle with Grendel,”And defate, the tears torn out of Grendel’s/ Taut throat, hell’s captive caught in the arms/ Of him who of all then men on earth/ Was the strongest” (346-349). In this quote Beowulf showed great strength in the battle with Grendel. He made his enemy run for his life. With Beowulf’s strength he had made the people feel safe again. Everyone thought he had amzing courage for coming face to face with the evil Grendel. In addition, “But so massive that no ordinary man could lift/ From its scabbard, broke the chain on its hilt” (488-490). In the quote, Beowulf showed his strength and lifted a sword that no regular man could lift. His strength allowed him to dominate in battle. If it were not for his pure strength or couage, he would not have been able to dafate Grendel or his mother.…
In order to establish Beowulf as an epic hero in the piece of literature Beowulf, he must possess all or most of the characteristics of an epic hero. An epic hero is the central figure in an epic who has superior qualities and risks personal danger to pursue a grand quest. There are ten specific characteristics that one must have to be considered an epic hero. One must be significant and glorified, on a quest, and responsible leader. One must also have superior or superhuman strength, intelligence, courage, and ethics. Lastly, one must risk death for glory or for the greater good of society, perform brave deeds, and reflect the ideals of a particular society.…
"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" -Joseph Campbell. The story I'm writing about is the Epic poem call Beowulf, which was translated by Burton Raftel. Beowulf is a hero who defeated many monster that are killing innocent people. In his life, as a hero, Beowulf shows that he is bossy, independent, and fearless; which are all the qualities of a real Epic hero.…
Part A- Beowulf like all epic hero’s is strong loyal and brave. These characteristic are what define Beowulf, and instill fear is his enemies. He boasts about “(driving) / five great giants into chains” (248-249) and “In the blackness of night, hunting monsters” (251). Beowulf protects his followers and king, and is proud of his accomplishments. He strives for greatness, his words are arrogant but his actions shine through his overbearing pride and give him the capability to be heroic. (Part B) Beowulf is an epic hero; he takes great pride in his actions, unlike Grendel who feels jealous of humans which causes him to be spiteful towards them: “ Grendel snatched at the first Geat / He came to (and) Ripped him apart” (313-314). Grendel’s pride lays in the fear he instills on humans, without pride Grendel would be a monster with no motive to kill. Furthermore, Beowulf’s pride stems…
Everyone needs to make their life like a Beowulf. In the poem Beowulf ,the character, Beowulf, is an example of a true epic hero, who fights with a powerful monster and saves Horthgor’s people. He is the only person who can fight with monsters. He meets unnatural phenomena. He goes into the underworld on a dangerous journey. In the end he is able to kill the most powerful monster. In Beowulf, the narrator says Beowulf has all qualities of an epic hero.…
Beowulf is such a unique and distinctive character. He shows people the true definition of an epic hero. He is the type of hero that people would look up to. He is a confident leader for many, and that is what makes him who he is. Beowulf’s main characteristics are loyalty, bravery, and strength.…
An epic hero is a man of extraordinary strength, distinguished courage, and talent admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. I believe heroes should hold many qualities upon themselves such as sacrifice, focus, bravery, courage, determination, and loyalty. A hero, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act, and is regarded as a model or ideal. Beowulf is a character of a legendary epic hero. He becomes a leader of his people, which is destined to face the source of danger.he is willing to risk his life for the greater good, his people. He is also willing to face his fears, and meet them head on. Beowulf makes difficult/ hard decisions, even when the outcome is bad. And Beowulf demonstrates in many ways all the characteristics and qualities of being a true hero.…
In the epic poem Beowulf, many qualifications can be found for the archetype, Beowulf, to be an epic hero. His bravery is shown through his desire for a quest and a battle with a supernaturally strong man-eating beast. He is unafraid of his imminent death battling the sinister, evil monster, Grendel. He is highly esteemed and his reputation for greatness precedes him after defeating Grendel. These traits are proved throughout this Anglo-Saxon epic poem.…
In the story of Beowulf, the main character continuously demonstrates the characteristics of an epic hero, and was able to prove the theme that good conquers evil. Grendel was big in size, and had the strength of many. But he was not brave at all, he used his strength for evil and to destroy. Beowulf is an epic hero for many reasons. Three of Beowulf's most epic characteristics are strength, honor, and the ability to rule.…
Who is Beowulf, that makes him such a person to be called an Epic Hero? As a mortal human being who was born and raised in Geatland, he lives his life in the poem with greatness in loyalty for himself and his people The fact that he has accomplished many substantial triumphs during his existence, makes it clear on who he really is as a person and as a hero. Throughout the poem, Beowulf does his best to succeed and stay on top of the “ladder”. As he battles against certain monsters, the readers can visualize the actual strength that Beowulf attains. With his honorable skills and morality, Beowulf lives as an Epic hero because of his deeds and endeavors. Without them, of coarse Beowulf would not be considered as a larger-than-life, impressive individual.…