Beverly Daniel Tatum, PH.D. is a clinical psychologist with a research interest in black children’s racial identity development.Through the years she developed a curriculum that was used at 3 different institutions titled “The Psychology of Racism.” She herself also taught this course.After ten years of teaching, publishing articles, and speaking at conferences, she decided to write a book.She didn’t want to write for an academic audience, instead she wrote this book for the many parents, educators and community leaders who would come to her presentations.
The premise of this book is that adults both White and of color, often hesitate to speak to children about racism for fear they will create problems where perhaps none exist, …show more content…
Racism is a system of advantage based on race.It is a system involving cultural messages and institutional policies and practices as well as the beliefs and actions of individuals.Others define racism as “prejudice plus power”.When racial prejudice is combined with social power- access to social, cultural, and economic resources and decision-making – leads to the institutionalization of racist policies and practices.
Dr. Tatum prefers the definition of “racism is a system of advantage based on race.This creates uncomfortable feelings for those who have internalized the myth that racism is a particular form of prejudice.With this new definition we as a society have to come to terms with the idea of “white privilege” and power.
Dr. Tatum explains that for most whites, the idea of white privilege has never entered their mind.They have never considered the benefits of being …show more content…
All these stages can or may not take place throughout and individual’s life.Depending on what stage they are in at specific life stages will determine child-rearing tactics, where they live, who they associate with etc.
Part 3
Understanding whiteness in a White context
The Development of White Identity
The task for people of color is to resist negative societal messages and develop an empowered sense of self in the face of racist society.The task for Whites is to develop a positive white identity based in reality, not on assumed superiority.
To develop this identity a person must come to terms with his/her Whiteness, accept it as personally and socially significant, and learn to feel good about it in the context of a commitment to a just society.
Helms Model (Janet Helms)
2 Tasks:
1) The abandonment of individual racism and 2) The recognition of and opposition to institutional and cultural racism.
This chapter, using Helms research goes onto discuss the contact level, disintegration level, reintegration level and finally