Beyond the Bean believes that the main focus should be on people of both genders and without any distinction of ethnicy. The agegroup to target will be from 15 to 34. This includes students, either going to high school or University, and young professionals.
Within London, there are around 20.000 students enrolled at high schools. As they are seeking some activities to do outside of school, it could be a good group to target. However, many of them are working part-time and live at their parents place. For those reasons they do not always have the freedom to go where they want, and do they depend transportantion-wise mainly on others. Also a coffee-focussed menu might not be the first choice of high school students. As they do own some money, obtained at their jobs, the question can be raised in what way they are willing to spend it on board games.
A better group to target at might be University students. There of many of them in London, and as students are normally on a budget, Beyond the Bean might be a cheap alternative to socialize and being entertained at the same time. Most of the students have public transport passes, which enables them to travel throughout the city. This makes Beyond the Bean easily reachable. The disadvantage of selecting this segment is that the majority of the students will return home during the summer months, which can be anywhere in the world.
A third main group to be pointed out can be defined as young professionals. These people are considered to be between the age of 25 and 35. Also, their disposable income is estimated to be higher than average and that, combined with the fact that they might seek some out-of-home activities makes them very interesting. This is also supported by the circumstances of them being in the city the entire year around. The only turnside is that this people might not be interested in boardgames.
The Market:
The reason Greig and Peck came up with this idea was that they had