Research Theme
Defining the city centre
Perception and usage of the centre
The most used routes
The theme of our research is “Routes and social groups in the city centre”. We will try to find out how social groups with different backgrounds define this space and how do they use it in a daily basis .We chose to study the perception of students ,in what concerns this space ,with the emphasis put on the different ways in which Romanian and foreign students define and use the city centre.
Research questions
1. Which is the city centre in Cluj-Napoca?
2. What are the indicators that students use to define the city centre?
3. What is their perception of the city centre?
4. How do they use the centre?
5. What are the most frequent routes used in the city centre?
6. Why do they choose to use these routes?
1. The city centre of Cluj-Napoca is considered to be Piata Unirii.
2. Foreign students have a different perception of the city centre in comparison with the Romanian students. We presume that this information comes to them through different sources and shaped by different experiences.
3. After they are accommodated foreign students take over the same habits as
Romanian students, in what concerns the use of the city centre.
Under the methodological aspect, the data will be collected by using two methods. One of them is the observation, and the other one is the focus group. The observation will be carried in different days, at various hours.
References: de Certeau M., The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1984 Giddens A., The Constitution of Society. Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 1984. Gieryn, Thomas F, A Space for Place in Sociology,Annual Reviews Sociology, 2000 Halpern D., Mental Health and the Built Environment Boulder, CO:Westview, 1990. Soja, E. W., Third space: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places, Cambridge, MA Blackwell, 1996 Young I.M., Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1990