As you read this week’s textbook reading assignments, take notes in response to these questions and statements. This study guide will help you to prepare for your quiz.
Fee and Stuart: Pages 55 – 70
1. True or False: The epistles are generally pretty easy to interpret according to the text. • False
2. What is the difference between ‘real letters’ and epistles according to Diessmann? • Real letters were non-literary-not written for the public and for posterity. They were intended only for the person or person to whom they were addressed.
• An epistle was an artistic literary form specified as literature and intended for the public.
3. What is an occasional document? Why are they sometimes difficult to interpret? • An occasional document arose out of certain situations and were intended for specific events.
4. True or False: The epistle were written primarily to expound theology. • True
5. What do the writers mean by THINK PARAGRAPHS? • The author means to explain the point of each paragraph as a whole. Then, state the content of each paragraph. Paul says this in the argument, “Ask over and over again ‘What’s the point?’”
6. Know the authors’ recommendations for dealing with the problem passages found in the epistles. • They were not written directly to us. • What can be said for certain • Very often the meaning is within our grasp based on “proof from experience” • Consult a good commentary which lists reasons for and against • Even scholars don’t have all the answers.
Pages 71-88
1. What is the great flaw of common hermeneutics the authors mention? Know the examples of the flaw. • The greatest flaw of common hermeneutics is the fact that we lack consistency. • An example of this flaw would be “Bringing Paul’s cloak”.
2. Know “The Basic Rule” and “The Second Rule”. •