
Bible Pantheism

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Bible Pantheism
According to Matt Slick pantheism is the position that God and nature are the same thing. Pantheism comes from two Greek words, pan meaning ‘all’ and Theos meaning 'god.' So, it would teach that the stars, galaxies, planets, mountains, winds, and rain, is all one and the same; a part of what God is. So, pantheists would say that all is God. Pantheists have two (2) main beliefs: The cosmos is divine and that the earth is sacred. When pantheists say that “the cosmos is divine”, according to them, the vy are not making a” vague statement about an invisible being that is beyond proof or disproof”. Instead, they are implying that they speak from their emotional responses to the universe and natural earth. For example, when they say that “The world is divine”, they are not referring to the world itself, but the way the feel that must respond to it. They are making a statement about the way their emotions force them to respond to the “overwhelming mystery and power that surrounds them.” They believe that they are part of the world. From their prospective, they are made of the same matter as the universe. They do not rule because it is their home. Therefore, the world requires them to treat her with humility and reverence. The second central premise is their belief that “the earth is sacred”. From their point of view, when pantheist say that the earth is scared that believe that they are a part of nature. Nature made them and at their death they would be reabsorbed into nature. Nature is their mother. The new age movement according to Wikipedia is “a religious or spiritual movement that developed in Western nations during the 1970’s”.The movement is characterized by a holy view of the cosmos. New Age groups subscribe to the view that there is an Ultimate Source from which all things originate; this source is often, although not always, is referred to as God. Similarly, so is the pantheistic worldview. Since the new age movement, primarily focuses on the holy views of

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