Today's Quote
"Loving, understanding, working for God in Truth and Spirit will connect you to Heaven, where as your imagination of a fake god will result in your soul being burned forever. Heaven will Elude you if your Biblical Allusion is an Illusion of self made imagination and confusion.
Imagine This
God's love, presence, story, History, and proof is all around and inside us, from the beginning of time, in the present right now, and forever in the future. The Biblical accounts are accurate, Historically, Mathematically, Scientifically, and Logically laid out, just like our bodies, the earth, and the heavens. Everything has a purpose, a reason, a time, a season, an explanation, and it all points to the Master Builder Creator God. God is the something, everything, and all thing you should be putting your focused attention on, which is full of air, water, land, and provisions for over 7 billion people to live. Today breathe in the Truth, eat the Word of God, and live the Good Lifestyle to help others see the obvious Truth illuding them.
Imagine That
When you die, you will know the Heat and Heart of God's truth immediately, as your soul, a spirit given …show more content…
Nothing is your ability to give the credit of God's Creation and hard work to your imagination, a fake god, or banged up theory of stupidity. Nothing is the lust, greed, lies, and pride that you have, which will keep you from knowing God and finding entrance into His Eternal Kingdom of Rest and Glory. When you know nothing about God, you truly know nothing at all and your life has been an empty waist, like the big band theory on nonsense some people believe in today. The devil is the meaning of nothing, which is an absolute waist of God's resources. Do not spread or approve of the devil's quixotic ideas and imagination of Nothingness! Focus on God's Something-ness and stop wasting your limited time on