Russell Brand wrote a commentary on the 2011 UK riots. But what does he have to say? Not a lot, you would think, since he does not reside there anymore. Surprisingly, Brand wrote the commentary with, of course, a humoristic tone, but still maintaining the seriousness of this matter.
Let me start by saying that the 2011 UK riots were allegedly caused by the death of Mark Duggan in police custody. Surely, this ought to stir the tension in some minorities, if not, larger groups of people, but larger parts of a nation? Brand asks “why is this happening? Mark Duggan’s death has been badly handled but no one is contesting that is a reason for these conflagrations beyond the initial flash of activity in Tottenham.”
Now, Russell Brand, he’s an actor and comedian, lives in Los Angeles, rich, then-married to superstar Katy Perry whom quite enjoyed kissing a girl, which she once sang, and consumed with wealth, you would ask why he would care. His attitude towards the English government is surely not too positive. He mocks Prime Minister David Cameron’s holiday in Tuscany, Italy, which he didn’t break off until a couple of days after the riots had already broken out. “I mean even David Cameron came back from his holiday. Eventually.”
Brand comes with a solution, or at least an answer to all of this. He says “If we want to live in a society where people feel included, we must include them, where they feel represented, we must represent them and where they feel love and compassion for their communities then we, the members of that community, must find love and compassion for them. “
This sounds nothing like Russell Brand. Where did all this seriousness come from? We are all used to the funny Russell, who cracks jokes about him and his drug-addiction, being married to Katy Perry, and making fun of the fact he’s an Englishman living in the US.
Russell Brand is against the current English government and how they’ve dealt with this